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Landlords - General information

A natural person may be considered a landlord if:

  • they are a real estate owner or tenants,
  • they engage in the activity only occasionally, with a total duration of no more than five months in a calendar year (150 days),
  • offer guests up to 15 beds and
  • are registered in the Slovenian Business Register.

They can offer guests accommodation with or without breakfast, in their own or a leased apartment or holiday cottage (with the consent of the competent authority of the self-governing local community) or in other premises.

The registration of a landlord who is a Slovenian citizen can be done at any AJPES branch office.

A landlord must submit the information required for registration in the Slovenian Business Register using the following form:
 Application for the registration of landlord information in the Slovenian Business Register (available only in Slovene)

In accordance with the applicable regulations, the landlord’s permanent resident address shall be considered as the landlord’s principal place of business. If the landlord performs commercial activities at an address other than their place of permanent residence, such operations are registered in Slovenian Business Register under the landlord’s business operations section.

Based on the landlord’s registration in the Slovenian Business Register, AJPES then issues a certificate of the landlord’s registration in the Slovenian Business Register.

The landlord registration procedure is free of charge.

The registration of a landlord who is not a Slovenian citizen can be done at any AJPES branch office.

A landlord must submit the information required for registration in the Slovenian Business Register using the following form:
 Application for the registration of landlord information in the Slovenian Business Register (available only in Slovene)

If a foreign citizen has a registered permanent resident address in Slovenia and if the landlord performs commercial activities at an address other than its permanent place of residence, such operations are registered in the Slovenian Business Register in the landlord’s business operations section.

If a foreign citizen has a registered temporary resident address in Slovenia, the principal place of business shall be registered at the temporary resident address and any accommodation facility located at an address different from the temporary place of residence shall be registered in the Slovenian Business Register in the landlord’s business operations section.

If a foreign citizen has no registered permanent or temporary resident address in Slovenia, the relevant registered address shall be the address of the accommodation facility and information about the founder’s foreign permanent address shall be given in the founder information section.

The registration of a landlord who is not a Slovenian citizen can be done at any AJPES branch office. If a foreign natural person wishes to engage in commercial activities in Slovenia, they must first register in the tax register and obtain a Slovenian tax number before registration in the Slovenian Business Register

The registration of any changes to the data on a landlord in the Slovenian Business Register can be done at any AJPES branch office.

A landlord must submit the information required for the registration of new data in the Slovenian Business Register using the following form:
 Application for the registration of landlord information in the Slovenian Business Register (available only in Slovene)

Based on the registration of the changed landlord data in the Slovenian Business Register, AJPES then issues a certificate of the change of landlord registration data in the Slovenian Business Register.

The deregistration of landlords in the Slovenian Business Register can be done at any AJPES branch office.

The landlord may file a Slovenian Business Register deregistration request using the following form:
 Application for the registration of landlord information in the Slovenian Business Register (available only in Slovene)

After deregistration from the Slovenian Business Register, AJPES shall issue the landlord a Slovenian Business Register Deregistration Certificate.

Within 8 days of registration, the landlord shall submit the M12 form to the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia and notify the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia of the manner of managing the books of account and calculating tax liabilities. This is the basis for the payment of lump sum social security contributions (in the calculated amount for 5 months) and the income tax prepayment.

The landlord is obliged to register the accommodation (accommodation facilities include, among others, guest rooms for the guests), in the Register of Accommodation Facilities.

It is also obliged to report data about guests and overnight stays (from guest books) to the eTourism system. Reporting is carried out for the purpose of keeping records of guests, monitoring the calculation and payment of the tourist tax and for statistical purposes. Reporting in eTourism from 1.12.2017 continues to replace reporting to the Police, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and the municipalities.

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