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Annual Reports

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Annual reports intended for the public – except those of nonprofit organizations – can be viewed without charge. For companies with a mandated statutory audit, AJPES publishes audited annual reports.

In accordance with legislation, AJPES publishes annual reports of companies, cooperatives, sole proprietors and associations at its website to allow the corporate public and all other interested users easy and efficient access to the performance data of business entities. This information has an important role in adopting business decisions.

The JOLP web service (public posting of annual reports) allows users to access published annual reports for the last five business years free of charge. AJPES’s web portal features annual reports, audited annual reports and consolidated annual reports. AJPES publishes annual reports according to calendar. A copy or transcript of these annual reports for previous financial years can be obtained directly from AJPES’s branch offices.

AJPES provides:
  • copies or transcripts of annual reports of companies, cooperatives and sole proprietors in the extent and form indicated in the request, compliant with Article 58 of the Companies Act (ZGD-1). AJPES charges a fee for services rendered, as indicated in the Specification of Compensatory Fees for Services Performed by AJPES Under Article 58 of the Slovene Companies Act; 

Extract from the Specification of Compensatory Fees for Services Performed by AJPES Under Article 58 of the Companies Act 

Seq. no.


Invoice basis

Compensatory fee in EUR (VAT included)

Payment Due


PRINTOUT OF ANNUAL REPORTS PUBLISHED ON THE WEB PORTAL (the sum of compensatory fees under a) and b) is charged; the price under b) depends on the number of annual reports and the amount of data)


Printout or copy of annual reports of companies, cooperatives and sole proprietors



after completion


Transcription of data from annual reports of companies, cooperatives and sole proprietors

a) requisition


after completion

b) each individual piece of data


after completion


Printout of corporations’, cooperatives' or sole proprietors’ annual reports in electronic format

a) requisition and initial costs


after completion

b) each individual annual report


after completion

1annual reports submitted in standardized format and published in the form of spreadsheets
2annual reports submitted in non-standard format and published in the form of a scanned document or PDF file

  • the printouts of data from annual reports in the standard format for publication of data for companies, (including cooperatives) and sole proprietors that have submitted their annual reports for publication and for national statistics purposes. AJPES charges a fee for services rendered, as indicated in the Specification of Compensatory Fees for re-use of public information of annual reports of business entities; 


       Extract from the Specification of Compensatory Fees for re-use of public information of annual reports of business entities 

Seq. no.


Invoice basis

Compensatory fee in EUR (VAT included)

Payment Due




Standard selection of data from the database of annual reports submitted by companies

costs of creating, preparing and delivering the abridged database


prior to receiving data


Standard selection of data from the database of annual reports submitted by sole proprietors

costs of creating, preparing and delivering the abridged database


prior to receiving data




Standard selection of data from the database of annual reports submitted by companies

direct costs of preparing and delivering the abridged database


prior to receiving data


Standard selection of data from the database of annual reports submitted by sole proprietors

direct costs of preparing and delivering the abridged database


prior to receiving data

1annual reports submitted in standardized format and published in the form of spreadsheets

Printouts of annual reports may be ordered:


According to the regulations, business entities are required to file their annual report data to AJPES for national statistics purposes and for publication purposes. Most business entities submit their annual report to AJPES for both purposes (national statistics and public availability), as well as for tax purposes.

AJPES is required to provide the annual reports submitted by business entities for the purpose of ensuring public availability to any person requesting such information. AJPES publishes annual reports on English website for companies, cooperatives, sole proprietors and associations, thus providing users with a comprehensive, easy, fast and free way of accessing this information.

Aggregate data from the annual reports of individual types of entities collected for national statistics purposes:

1. Companies

Data includes companies that have submitted their annual reports under the Companies Act for national statistics purposes. Companies are all limited and unlimited liability companies (including listed companies), economic interest groupings and main offices of foreign business entities. Middle-sized companies, large companies and companies whose securities are traded on organized market are subject to statutory audit.

This category does not include:

  • companies in insolvency proceedings (bankruptcy, liquidation) who are not required to submit annual reports,
  • banks, insurance companies, stock exchange, investment funds and certain other financial and investment companies who are not using accounting standard for companies and therefore do not submit annual reports for national statistics to AJPES. (Those companies only submit annual reports in PDF form for public posting.)

 2023202220212020, 2019201820172016

2. Cooperatives

Data includes cooperatives that have submitted their annual reports under the Cooperatives Act for national statistics purposes. Medium-sized and large cooperatives are subject to statutory audit.

 2023202220212020, 2019201820172016

3. Sole proprietors

Data includes sole proprietors that have submitted their annual reports under the Companies Act for national statistics purposes. Data does not include sole proprietors with personal income tax based on normalized expenses.

 2023, 2022, 202120202019201820172016

4. Associations

Data includes associations that have submitted their annual reports under the Associations Act for national statistics purposes. Associations with revenues or expenses exceeding 1 million EUR are subject to statutory audit.

 2023, 2022, 2021202020192018, 20172016

5. Non-profit organizations

Data includes non-profit organizations - legal entities governed by private law that have submitted their annual reports under the Accounting Act for national statistics purposes. This category includes institutes, trade unions, political parties etc.


Na naši spletni strani uporabljamo piškotke. Nujne, ki omogočajo normalno delovanje strani, smo že naložili. Ker želimo spletno stran narediti za vas čim bolj uporabno, bomo veseli, da nam dovolite še, da naložimo analitične piškotke. Ali nam to dovolite?